Monday 23 January 2017

Founders Breakfast Stout - In Full

Founders Breakfast Stout

My experiences with Founders have been fairly limited, All Day IPA was a staple 2 summers ago when I first got into craft beer. One thing I've always had time for is a coffee stout and this oatmeal/coffee/chocolate breakfast number seems to fit the bill on face value.

With a persistent milk chocolate head this is truly a stout by nature. It’s as black as tar with a thick yet buoyant consistency. 

Despite it being a double chocolate stout the first impressions are a heavy coffee aroma with an after thought of dark rich chocolate. The flavours feel balanced yet the coffee overrides the chocolate and I feel the oatmeal contributes nothing but thickness.

A bittersweet combination first impressions are bitter with an after thought of a complex dark chocolate notes. Initially heavy in the mouth it goes down well with a small amount of fizz as it goes down.

Overall I enjoyed the beer but feel like the chocolate could’ve been a little more prominent. A coffee stout will always have a place in my heart but this certainly isn’t the best I’ve ever had.


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