Tuesday 15 November 2016

Over half way (India)

I have been informed that 10 days is simply too long to wait for a new blog post and I must update my "fans" at least once a week. So hence forth I will commit to a new blog before COP Sunday.

Since my last update I have travelled further north out of Gujarat into Rajasthan.  Whilst in Gujarat I visited their 2 major cities; Surat and Ahmadabad.

Both of these cities are not on the "backpacker" trail and provided me with an insight into how real Indians live. What can I tell you about Surat and Ahmadabad I hear you cry?! Well they are fairly densely populated and are certainly the most polluted places I have ever visited.

I didn't see another white person for 4 days, which I must confess was quite refreshing. However I did start to feel a little lonely given my nature as a social butterfly.

The streetfood was incredible at both locations, costing approx 20p for a meal. The markets rival even the mighty Kirkgate market (largest in Europe) for size and diversity with absolute chaos reigning supreme. I managed to locate an Indian carnival and got to witness with my own eyes Indian carnies in their natural habitat. I also dropped into a national park/zoo and aquarium which was excellent. I got to hold a turtle and meet some very vocal otters at feeding time.

Finance is also an interesting issue. As some of you may already be aware the Indian prime minister announced on 8/11/16 that all 500 and 1000 rupee notes will cease to be legal tender, they also limited the amount you can withdraw from a bank to 2000 rupees per day (£20) That's like Theresa May going "Oi you scummy lot all £5 and £10's no longer work whilst we change queeny's face for Prince Charles" I shan't get into the reasons why this happened. However by a stroke of luck I had 15,000 in cash on me as I was going to the strip club (joking)
Anyhow as you may have seen on the news pandemonium has engulfed the nations banks. Old men can be seen punching and elbowing the poor and disabled trying to get their "black money" into the bank. Whilst you can swap old money for new in a bank this is limited to 4000 per day... Not to worry I'm good at spending cash.

Anyway I think I'm going to call it for now as its about lunchtime and ya boy is peckish.
I will be writing again later this (before Sunday) about my new favourite place in India called Udaipur.
Toodle pip!


  1. Your face belies that you may have farted whilst sat next to that poor sleeping man Jordan - Enjoying the blog, keep safe - Kaye

  2. Loving the blogs and looking forward to the Udaipur one - Mumzy xx
