Saturday 5 November 2016

India thus far

I may have only been here two days but good lord it is something else. There are a number of observations I have made which I feel are worth sharing. As a disclaimer I have fallen quite hard for India and these comments are meant to be taken with a pinch of salt and not in fact slurs upon this great nation.

- When Indian people take a photo they have to do 3 different poses and pout fiercely. Every selfie is like  an episode of Bombay's Next Top Model. Also the number of power poses are immense.

- White people (me) are as rare as unicorns. I have been stopped no less than 6 times since arriving to be in people's photos. I either give off a famous white guy vibe, or they're just really happy to see me.

- Mumbai is the most intense place ever. It makes King's Cross at 5pm look like a stroll in the Yorkshire Dales.

- Car horns are used to signify just about everything from good day to go fuck yourself.

- Whilst I knew cows roamed the streets here I wasn't expecting Dogs, Goats, Horses and Monkeys. 
I saw a monkey take a bottle of water out of a woman's hand, run away and then proceed to open and drink it.

In short I love India and it's great. Although craft beer seems to be eluding me somewhat. I'm heading north from Mumbai to Surat.

Until next time folks...

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