Wednesday 2 November 2016

Mikkeller Raspberry Trippelbock

I wrote a good half page on this beer last night and through the wonderment of technology and my good friend Lucille delivering a drunken goodbye - I lost the whole thing.

Here are my thoughts yet again on this excellent beer.

Mikkeller are one of the top names in brewing globally and with a reputation like that to uphold it's not often they have a "miss". Today was not one of those days.

I have quite the penchant for sours and a strong abv. So this made the perfect gift and thanks go to Ben, Oliver and Carla for my leaving present.

The nose is thick with raspberry with subtle notes of malt and powerful deep booze odour.

The mouth feel is thick and luxurious, think Calpol meets Vimto with a subtle hint of booze. Coating the mouth on first sip you get a "wow" moment.

The raspberry hit is strong at first finishing on sour and almost bitter hints of potentially coffee? All in all a taste sensation and one to try if you get the chance.


13% but boy does it taste good

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